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Welcome to official website of Warcraft 3 map mod Braindead!

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Basic map information:

An multiplayer survival build-base map created for 11 players. Playable with minimum of two.
There are two teams against each other: max 10 humans and 1 Undead.
Undead must destroy all humans before they get strong and destroy him. Humans are too weak to own undead, so only chance how to win against him is make a base as defense, don't let zombies in and then get strong.

Terrain and site choose:
In start of the map, host setting a favorite terrain.
After this players choosing their sites. They have two options, be human or Undead. If nobody want to be undead, someone will be chosen by computer.

Starting with basic builder: John. This unit must not be killed, or his owner is instantly defeated.
Every player need to find good place where to build defense against zombies.
In any time game, humans can upgrade strength of his Combat units and destroy undead main building with them. If it falls, all human team wins the game.

Must destroy humans before they destroy him. He using zombies as main combat units to attack them and feed from them. Every attack to human units is feed. (+gold to undead)
Zombies wins when are all human units dead.

Map is fully playable with any players (required is minimum of 1 Undead and 1 Human). Anyway, best way is to play it with full house, more interesting. The bad thing about lot of players in this map is they are usually noobs so they feeding undead. Big feed = usually fast defeat for every player.

Human death:
After human dyed, he can still play as mini-hero (human) sellected by computer or as Mini Lord (Undead site). This time player after-death site is set by computer.

Human mini-heroes:
Mini-heroes are after-death heroes that helping Human site. They have 4 basic hero skills used to help humans, damage undead or help self to survive and one secondary skill used to teleporting around the map.
Mini.heroes also getting lumber that can be spent in Altar to buy items or be send to another player (human) for help.

Mini Lords:
Mini Lords are after-death heroes that helping Undead site. They have 4 basic hero skills used to defeat humans and one secondary skill: Poison that slows enemy turn speed and takes some damage.
Mini Lords getting gold too. Gold can be spent in Zombie shops or by send to Undead player also for help.

Altar is building where mini-heroes can be revived and where they are invulnerable as long as they stay around it. This structure is used as a shop too.

-Undead: Gold is primary material of undead player. He uses it to upgrade zombie level or buy items. Can be get by attacking to human units.
-Human: Gold is secondary material of human players. They can use it to train bandits, upgrade bandit stats or train/upgrade heroes. Human getting +1 gold every dyed zombie. Also can be purchased in Gold trade.

-Undead: Lumber is secondary material of undead player, used for train special zombies. Undead getting +1 lumber every second and +1 lumber every attack.
-Human: Lumber is primary material of Human players, used for build all structures. Can be harvested from trees. Also can be purchased in Lumber trade.


-has basic unit that must not die. If dies, player is instantly defeated.
-has defensive buildings against undead like Walls.
-has offensive buildings like Towers and Special Towers.
-has strategy buildings: Farm, Animals for food, Wood cutters.
-has offensive units: Bandits, Heroes

-has zombies units, basic combat units used to feed and destroy humans.
-has special undead units, used for overwhelm and help zombies to defeat humans.
-has feed ability system: damage = gold
-has different undead heroes
-has items for zombies

-random terrain is made in start of every game. (trees, textures)
-this map using four types of environment
-cliffs can also be used for effective base

-this map is very about strategy and speed. Every player is different player.


New website started

25/11/2012 02:09
Today we have started our official map website, hope you enjoy it.


What is your favorite map terrain?

Lordaeron Summer (98)

Lordaeron Winter (30)

Sunken Ruins (36)

Barrens (31)

Total votes: 195